JavaScript DOM Pacman Game Project Learn JavaScript Code
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Explore how YOU can CREATE a PacMan Type Game from scratch using JavaScript and ONLY JavaScript DOMPerfect to practice and learn more about web design and web development - create game play directly within your website.  Run in the browser and have fun!   Learn about game design and how you can create a DOM based web game from scratch using JUST JavaScript. DOM Manipulation - Event Listeners - Create Elements on the Page - ALL DONE WITH JAVASCRIPTStep by step how to create a GAME -Using CSS create game assetsSetup the game board and select elements using JavaScriptSOURCE CODE is INCLUDED..... Explore how you can create a PacMan type game from scratch using JavaScriptPractice JavaScript create your own version of the gameExplore how to manipulate elements on the page using JavaScriptDOM manipulation and element selection Make the enemies smarter detect where the player is locatedScore keeping from the game playStart Stop and Restart gameGenerate dynamic Game boardsFully Dynamic code that you can update the variables and change the gameBuild your own version of this game today.

