Set up CICD For Mulesoft From Scratch
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Setting up CICD is the necessity for agility in the enterprise. This requires to understand code repository, automated building of mule applicaitons, automated deployments of mule applicaitons. In turn to understand above, you need to be clear with doing something instead of slides on the topics like Maven, Maven build profile, Nexus repositoryIn this course, you will learn to understand fully setting up CICD on your own. You will become a 'go to person' to set up CICD. No previous experience with Nexus is required. No previous experience with Apache Maven is required. Basic faimiliar knowledge with git commands and basic hello-world Mule app will help. In just a few lectures, you will be building your first automated build and deployment of Mule project!- Learn to set up CICD for Mulesoft- Including cloudhub deployment and on prem deployment- Pack of full demos, downloadable artifacts / jar files- You will be installing Gitlab Runner, Nexus, Mule stand alone (evaluation purpose only) on your local machine- Understand Maven, Maven life cycle- Make your own maven project using command line- Experiment with Mule-Maven-Plugin commands- Understand how to connect Maven to Nexus Repository- What is the role of settings. xml, concept of Maven Build Profile and Parent POM- Role of Parent POM and how to make it reuseable across all your Mule applications.- Gain more confidence and understand Gitlab Runner, Nexus Repo, Mule-Maven-Plugin and how each of the components talk to each other- FInally - set up your own CICD file (provided in the course) and commit code to gitlab - Have Gitlab Runner building JAR file and uploading to Nexus and deploying to on prem and cloudhub.

