LEVEL UP your Salsa Dance - Learn 5 SALSA COMBOS
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this course includes:* 5 intermediate  Salsa Combo more then 40 steps * Each Combo is about 8/8 explaining all tips and tricks needed for followers & leaders * you will get FREE BONUS to learn on each combo* Full lifetime access * Access on Mobile, desktop and TV * International certification dance organization approved from the CIDSo there is no short answer on how long it takes to learn salsa. It depends on whether you are leading or following or if you have prior dance experience. It also depends on whether you are naturally musical and how strong your memory is to master moves and choreography. There are many factors that determine how fast one learns to dance. The key point is that everyone can do this. Anyone who takes a full level class and practices the moves regularly will find they can already feel quite good on the dance floor. Just a little practice and a regular class can make a big difference and improve your dancing. This class focuses on moving the partner by playing with different combinations using tricks, flipping and focusing on all the details necessary for followers and  leaders, they all look complicated to start with, but in time and more practice, it will become more familiar with every movement that time passes. Once you are familiar with the improver moves and can do Sombrero, Setenta and cross body lead with a degree of confidence, and you can keep time with the music it's time for intermediates.. In this class we are putting everything together that you learned in the improver class. You are able to confidently and firmly lead if you are a leader and can follow a lead well if you are a follower. The actual moves are more complex but easy to learn and definitely you need to practice and repeat them slowly why not to push yourself to another level

