Synching API Data into ArcGIS Online Tables using FME
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Embark on a journey to seamlessly integrate API data into ArcGIS Online Tables with our comprehensive course. Discover how to read Feature layers hosted in ArcGIS Online and access API data from external sources through API links. Learn the art of fragmenting and flattening data, extracting only the essential attributes required for your GIS projects.Before joining both datasets, we delve into the crucial step of data transformation. Explore techniques such as cleaning, managing, adding and removing attributes, trimming, and implementing conditional values. Witness the power of FME as we execute these transformations seamlessly.Once the data is primed, we proceed to join both datasets and execute updates on the Feature layer using the robust FME writer. Leverage the capabilities of ArcGIS Pro to publish the updated features, including geometries, in ArcGIS Online. Utilize FME to read this updated feature, map the attributes with external APIs, and efficiently update the feature layer.The course doesn't stop there - learn how to elevate your visualization game by updating Operational Dashboard components based on the new data. Witness your GIS projects come to life as you harness the full potential of data synchronization. Enroll now to master the intricacies of data integration and propel your GIS skills to new heights.

