Worm Nerd Live Composting Worm Mix (1000 Worms)
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"Composting with worms is a sustainable and easy way to reduce organic waste and produce high-quality compost. These voracious eaters consume fruit and vegetable scraps, cardboard, shredded paper, and other organic waste that would otherwise be thrown away. Worms work to break down this organic matter and expel useful worm waste. The collected worm waste is the 100% organic and chemical-free medium known as ""worm castings"" or ""vermicast"". Worm castings are appreciated by many home gardeners as a treasured component in topsoil or potting soil mixtures. Castings add eco-friendly organic matter to soil, reduce erosion, retain moisture, and improve soil aeration. By diverting food scraps, paper, and other organic materials from the trash and converting them into an eco-friendly medium, worm composting also helps to reduce waste that would otherwise end up in landfills. Luckily, maintaining a worm composting system is relatively easy. These worms can be kept indoors or outdoors, reproduce quickly, and require little attention beyond adding food scraps and keeping the compost moist. Even those with limited space or time can engage in this eco-friendly practice. Composting with live earthworms is the perfect solution for anyone looking to live sustainably. And with a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, Worm Nerd is your go-to source for all things vermiculture."


The Home Depot