Circular Design - by Jörg Schröder & Alissa Diesch & Riccarda Cappeller & Federica Scaffidi (Paperback)
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Book Synopsis When it comes to climate change, circularity has become a major topic. Closed loops, reuse, recycling, and renewable materials are already fashionable ideas in architecture and product design. In order to establish the new paradigm of circular design, this book introduces a territorial dimension to the goal of transforming living spaces for resilience and sustainability--and to the use of design-led research and design-thinking as effective forces for analysis, developing concepts and strategies, and cooperative processes of transformation. Featuring case studies from all over Europe that merge creative narratives in urbanism with social innovation and creative industries, Circular Design aims to activate dynamic fields and networks of ideas, people, and space oriented to circular principles. About the Author The authors at the chair for Territorial Design of Leibniz University Hannover are working on creative cycles in urbanism. Recent international projects include Medways, Cosmopolitan Habitat, and Creative Food Cycles. Riccarda Cappeller's research interest is in design modes for mixed urban spaces and art-based approaches linking social, spatial, and performative aspects. Alissa Diesch's research includes participatory knowledge generation, post-colonial spaces, research-to-design concepts, and urban-rural relations and transformations. Federica Scaffidi's research interests address territorial development, social innovation, and recycling. Jörg Schröder focuses his research on territorial innovation, transformation, and resilience, as well as on design research.

