"About the Book ""New York Times bestselling author and host of the Joel Osteen Radio on SiriusXM wants you to know that now is the time to get your hopes up and start expecting that better is on the way. Whether you're climbing toward the next level, stretching for an out-of-reach goal, or doing your utmost to overcome a challenge, it's time to step into a better life filled with more. When your patience strains to meet your expectations, you have to remember that where you are now is not where you're about to be! In Your Greater Is Coming, #1 New York Times bestselling author Joel Osteen challenges your perception of your present situation and inspires you to persevere for the best that's just ahead. Whatever you're experiencing, don't lose faith or give up on your dreams. Wait for your greater, because your greater is coming-greater joy, greater strength, greater relationships. Greater opportunities, greater success, and greater peace are all yours. Whatever you've been waiting for, working for, praying for, and hoping for is on the way. Your Greater Is Coming will nourish your soul and empower your heart to push through pain and master the mundane. Your story is far from over, and the best is yet to come. Don't give up just as you're about to discover a new level of increase, ease, and joy. Glimpse your breakthrough just ahead and hold on just a little longer-your greater is coming!""-- Book Synopsis You may be going through a difficult time, but greater things are coming! We all face setbacks in life and things happen that we don't understand. When we go through loss and disappointments, it's easy to get discouraged and think, ""This is the way it's always going to be."" But remind yourself: this is not how your story ends. The loneliness, the bad break, the anxiety is not your destiny-- Greater Is Coming : greater joy, greater strength, greater relationships. That setback in your finances, that client you lost, the unfair childhood--none of it stops your purpose. Greater opportunities are coming, greater favor, greater influence. When you're in difficult times, keep Greater Is Coming in your mind. You haven't come this far just to fail, just the opposite: this disappointment is going to launch you into your destiny. Your trouble is temporary, while your future glory is permanent. The key: Don't stay focused on the suffering; stay focused on the glory that's coming. There are times when you have to suffer in silence. You may need to do the right thing when it's not fair, work hard when you're not getting the credit, be good to someone who is not being good to you, but you are a wonderfully made masterpiece. You've been crowned with favor. Your suffering is not in vain--it's serving a purpose and leading you to greater honor, greater favor, greater victories. About the Author Joel Osteen is a New York Times bestselling author and the senior pastor of America's largest church, Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. Millions watch his weekly inspirational messages on television and connect with Joel through his digital platforms worldwide. Joel can be heard 24/7 on SiriusXM 128--Joel Osteen Radio. Connect with Joel on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram or visit his website at"