Como agua para chocolate/ Like Water for (Paperback) by Laura Esquivel
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"About the Book A #1 bestseller in Mexico in 1990, this charming, imaginative, and just plain fun novel of family life in turn-of-the-century Mexico includes unique recipes at the beginning of each chapter for a variety of traditional dishes. Book Synopsis Terrenal, mágico y absolutamente encantador, este relato de la vida familiar en el México finisecular se convirtió, con la mezcla acertada de romance doloroso e ingenio agridulce, en un fenómeno de best-seller. La clásica historia de amor se sitúa en el rancho De la Garza, mientras la dueña tiránica Mamá Elena corta cebolla en la mesa de cocina durante sus últimos días de embarazo. Aún dentro del útero de su madre, la futura hija llora tan violentamente que causa un parto prematuro y la pequeña Tita nace entre las especies para preparar sopa de fideos. Este temprano encuentro con la comida pronto se convierte en una forma de vida. Tita se convierte en una chef maestra y, a lo largo de la historia, comparte puntos especiales de sus recetas favoritas con los lectores. La edición en español del best-seller Como agua para chocolate es, con toda razón, un notable éxito. Ahora, en esta edición en pasta blanda, miles de nuevos lectores podrán participar en el suntuoso, romántico y divertido relato de Tita, la extraordinaria cocinera que siempre pone algo extra especial en su salsa. ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The bestselling phenomenon and inspiration for the award-winning film. Earthy, magical, and utterly charming, this tale of family life in turn-of-the-century Mexico blends poignant romance and bittersweet wit. This classic love story takes place on the De la Garza ranch, as the tyrannical owner, Mama Elena, chops onions at the kitchen table in her final days of pregnancy. While still in her mother's womb, her daughter to be weeps so violently she causes an early labor, and little Tita slips out amid the spices and fixings for noodle soup. This early encounter with food soon becomes a way of life, and Tita grows up to be a master chef, using cooking to express herself and sharing recipes with readers along the way. Review Quotes ""A delightful first novel... the fragrant story makes you dream of love and want your supper too."" -- Glamour . ""A mystical Mexican love story... [that] will charm the palate and the heart."" -- USA Today . ""A tall-tale, fairy-tale, soap-opera and home-remedy handbook all rolled into one."" -- San Francisco Chronicle . About The Author Laura Esquivel is the award-winning author of Like Water for Chocolate , which has sold more than four and a half million copies around the world in 35 languages, as well as The Law of Love , and most recently, Between Two Fires . She lives in Mexico City."

