VST AU Plugin Riffer - The Creative MIDI Sequencer for Windows, Mac & iOS
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The Riffer Creative MIDI Sequencer is a dynamic tool designed for Windows, Mac, and iOS platforms. This intelligent MIDI instrument generates unique riffs by integrating Pitch, Duration, and Velocity, making it an ideal solution for your Sounds, Software, and Hardware needs. It's a powerful tool for generating innovative ideas, sequences, melodies, riffs, and musical patterns. With Riffer, you can transform these generated sequences into personalized compositions or let them run continuously using the infinity mode. This feature-rich MIDI tool is akin to a Swiss Army Knife for MIDI, offering a quick-fire way to generate ideas and explore a new realm of musical performance.Exporting MIDI is a breeze with Riffer. You can effortlessly drag and drop, or, when using the app version, you can send MIDI over Wi-Fi. The CoreMIDI option allows for seamless inter-app communication and compatibility with a wide range of software and hardware. Riffer is more than just a tool; it's a creative companion that can help you pull melodies from the unknown and step-sequence a smile across your face. The Riffer tutorial is an excellent resource to explore the full potential of this tool, offering new ways to create melodies and riffs on the spot.The latest release, v2.0, launched on 26th December 2019, comes packed with a host of new features. These include the ability to create and save custom scales, lock individual notes or whole steps, and a quick load preset menu. The standalone mode now offers Audio Out for quick pattern preview. The new scale transposition engine and range engine for Pitch, Duration, and Velocity add to its versatility. The infinity mode loop selector, root note probability selector, new preset manager, MIDI controllability, new MIDI output menu, reverse pattern, updated UI, and performance improvements make Riffer an indispensable tool for any music enthusiast or professional.

