Natural Balance L.I.D. Limited Ingredient Diets Duck & Potato Puppy Formula Dry Dog Food, 12 lbs.
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Why Feed a Limited Ingredient Diet? Sometimes what's NOT in your dog's food is just as important as what is. At Natural Balance we realize feeding your dog a simpler premium dry dog food diet with fewer ingredients gives you control of exactly which ingredients your dog eats. When you want to keep it simple, Natural Balance L.I.D. Limited Ingredient Diets provides a dog food option to help you feed your puppy's greatness. Our puppy dog food formula is designed to accommodate the unique needs of your puppy. Every bite is formulated with DHA from marine sources to help support neural development and is specifically shaped for smaller jaws. Our duck and potato formula has everything you want to feed your dog and nothing you don't, with no added peas, pea protein, lentils, legumes, corn, wheat, or soy. Made with premium protein.



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