MOOCHIE Home Cooked Superfood Natural Wet Dog Food Recipe - Joint & Bone - Made with Lamb, Sweet Potato and Spinach - No Added Preservatives or Artificial Flavoring - 9 oz x 6 Pouches


Joint & Bone: Our soft dog food recipe targets your dog's joints and bones, using lamb and salmon rich in omega-3 fatty acids and protein, and antioxidants like spinach for overall well-being..Balanced Nutrition: Moochie's wet food for dogs offers balanced nutrition to meet your dog's dietary needs, promoting overall well-being and happiness..Dietary Fiber: Our wet dog food for small dogs includes sweet potato and green pea that is rich in dietary fiber, promoting digestion and providing essential support for your dog's overall health..Versatile Meal: Moochie's wet dog food is perfect as a delicious topper or a complete meal. This home-cooked recipe adds flavor and nutrition to your pet's diet, providing variety and enjoyment..Convenient Packaging: Our wet dog food pouches made with premium-quality ingredients in Thailand, come with a zip lock for easy storage and freshness, ensuring convenience and preserving its quality.



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