Surfer Heishi Bracelets - Polymer Clay Elastic Beaded Gift Set for Mother's Day A Thoughtful Birthday Gift for Mom's Special Day, Celebration of Unconditional Love, Style, and Motherhood!


Celebrate Mother's Day in style with our exclusive Surfer Heishi Bracelets, designed with vibrant pink accents against a chic white elements, perfect for the modern mom..The bracelet features unique elements including the endearing words "MAMA" and "LOVE," complemented by charming tassels and sparkling stars, symbolizing the love and admiration for all that mom does..Included in the set is a special card expressing heartfelt sentiments and adorned with a hidden Morse code message spelling out "I love you," a touching reminder of the bond shared between mother and child..Crafted for comfort and convenience, these lightweight bracelets are equipped with elastic cords and are approximately 5.5 cm/2 inches in length, ensuring a snug fit for wrists of all sizes..Make this Mother's Day unforgettable with our Surfer Heishi Bracelets - a thoughtful and stylish gift set that celebrates the love, strength, and beauty of mom!

