Generic nature's longest basmati rice,best for biryani., large, white


Long-grain variety: Basmati rice is known for its long, slender grains, which elongate further when cooked..Aromatic: Basmati rice has a distinct fragrance, described as nutty or floral, which adds to the flavor of biryani..Absorbs flavors well: Basmati rice readily absorbs the spices and aromatics used in biryani preparation, enhancing its taste..Versatile: Besides biryani, Basmati rice can be used in various other dishes, including pilafs, pulao, and fried rice. Versatile: Besides biryani, Basmati rice can be used in various other dishes, including pilafs, pulao, and fried rice. Versatile: Besides biryani, Basmati rice can be used in various other dishes, including pilafs, pulao, and fried rice.

