Live Shrimp Neocaridina - Mixed 3 Colors of Red Fire, Yellow, Blue Dream Velvet – Shrimp Freshwater Aquarium (Mix of 3 Colors, Pack of 10)


Included Random colors. Striking Mix of Coloration: those mixed colors shrimps are renowned for their vibrant mix. This distinctive and captivating hue sets them apart from other live shrimp species.Translucent Body: The shrimp's translucent body allows the blue, red, yellow, bloody red color to shine through, enhancing their visual appeal. It gives live shrimp freshwater aquarium shrimps a delicate and ethereal appearance in the aquarium.Small Size: mixed shrimps live are relatively small, typically reaching a maximum length of 0.75’’ inches. Their compact size makes them suitable for various aquarium setups, including nano tanks.Peaceful and Non-Aggressive Nature: This mix of shrimps are known for their peaceful temperament, making them compatible with a wide range of tank mates, such as small fish, snails, and other dwarf shrimp species.Active Foragers: those mixed shrimps are constantly on the move, exploring the aquarium substrate in search of algae, biofilm, and leftover food. Their busy and active behavior adds liveliness to the tank.Social Creatures: neocaridina shrimp thrive in groups. Keeping them in larger numbers promotes their well-being and stimulates natural behaviors. A group of these shrimp creates an engaging and dynamic aquarium display.Hardy and Easy to Care for: neocaridina shrimps are generally hardy and can adapt to a variety of water conditions. They are suitable for both beginner and experienced aquarists. Providing stable water parameters and a balanced diet ensures their optimal health for ghost shrimp

