Nutro Ultra Senior Dry Dog Food with a Trio of Proteins from Chicken, Lamb and Salmon, 13 lb. Bag


Ultra Difference: Nutro Ultra Senior High Protein Dry Dog Food provides high-quality ingredients like our trio of animal proteins and exclusive blend of 14 superfoods to deliver abundant flavor and gourmet nutrition your pet will love..Designed for your Senior Dog: This dry dog food is specifically tailored and designed for your senior dog’s unique needs..High-quality Protein: With real chicken as the #1 ingredient and high-quality protein from chicken sources, this dry dog food recipe supports strong muscles, a lean body, and serves delicious flavor that dogs beg for..Healthy Immunity: Nutro Ultra Senior High Protein Dry Dog Food is made with essential antioxidants to support healthy immunity..Healthy Joints: This dry senior dog food is formulated with natural sources of Glucosamine and Chondroitin to support healthy joints..Contains one (1) 13 lb. Bag of Nutro Ultra Senior High Protein Dry Dog Food with a Trio of Proteins from Chicken, Lamb and Salmon.



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