Centaurus AZ Fast Drying Acetone Cleaner & Paint Thinner - solvent cleaner - Industrial cleaning - Sunny Side Acetone Paint - 16 Oz - Adhesives, Resins, Fiberglass - Available Gloves


💯 Thinner & Cleaner: This acetone cleaner delivers optimal thinning, cleaning, and degreasing results. This works as epoxy remover and dissolves with any substances, including natural, synthetic, oil, and dyes, and remove grease, waxes, stubborn stains, and clear wood resin, allowing you to prepare your surfaces for various applications..✔ No Residues: This acetone solvent excels at cleaning and leaves no residue after use. Whether you’re working with machinery, delicate materials, or preparing surfaces for new paints, this acetone leaves your machinery and surfaces pristine..✨ Versatile: The ability of this acetone for paint to dissolve with different substances makes it cleaner and degreaser. It removes natural and synthetic materials effectively. Moreover, it can be used for cleanup and preparation of processes associated with adhesives, lacquers, epoxies, fiberglass, and more, making it a valuable solution for construction, crafts, and automotive industries..💦 Quick Drying: This acetone paint remover evaporates quickly from the surfaces and allows you to finish your work in less time. It is ideal for those surfaces that need to be prepared before new treatment, such as bonding, coating, and painting. By using this acetone, you can minimize the waiting time and increase productivity..⚠ Caution: It is a highly flammable solvent and can cause health problems like eye, throat, lung, and nose irritation. Always wear a mask and gloves before using this acetone.

