Gold Bar Door Stop Fake Gold Bar Door Stopper Glittering Simulation Gold Bar Replica Gold Bar Fake Golden Brick Bullion Gold Bar


"999.9 Fine Gold" engraved on the surface of Fake Gold Bullion Bar. Packed with an exquisite case. A perfect gag gift for your friends..Even though our fake gold bar is made of plastic, the surface will shine under the light. Looks exactly like the real bullion bar..Our Fake Gold Bullion Door Stop was filled with high-density material. Weights 1.4lb with a compact size. Hefty and , sturdy and portable..Our gold bar door stop was applied with an advanced technic process, molded in one, no rough edges, arc angle design, won't hurt children..Apart from being a door stop to prevent the door from slamming accidently, our fake gold brick can also be used as a paperweight or played as a prank prop. Let your friends' jaws drop when you show the Bullion Bar to them.

