Cesar Filets in Gravy Wet Dog Food Filet Mignon Flavor, Rotisserie Chicken Flavor, and Wood-Grilled Chicken Flavor Variety Pack, 1.76 oz. Mini-Pouches, 40 Pack


Made with Real Chicken or Real Beef: With real chicken or real beef, your dog gets flavors they know and love.Quality Recipe: This product contains no fillers and no artificial flavors, giving your dog quality ingredients for a tasty snack.Convenient Servings: With easy peel-and-serve packaging, a quick and delicious mealtime is only a peel away.Mix up Mealtime: This wet dog food is great alone or as a topper to bring an exciting twist to mealtime.Delicious Ingredients: Give your best friend tail-wagging flavor with ingredients that delight at mealtime.40-Count Variety Pack: Variety pack contains forty (40) 1.76 oz. Mini-Pouches of CESAR Filets in Gravy Wet Dog Food Filet Mignon Flavor, Rotisserie Chicken Flavor, and Wood-Grilled Chicken Flavor



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