Variegated Asiatic Jasmine Minima | 30 Live Plants | Easy-Grow Ground Cover | Lush, Trailing Green and White Foliage | Perfect for Gardens and Landscape Borders | Hardy Evergreen Plant


๐ŸŒฟ Adaptable and Versatile: Thrives in a range of light conditions, including partial shade to full sun, establishing its place seamlessly in various parts of your garden or outdoor space, ensuring visual coherence and verdant charm in numerous settings..๐Ÿƒ Drought Tolerant: Once established, the Variegated Asiatic Jasmine Minima demonstrates impressive drought tolerance, requiring minimal water and effortlessly sustaining its vibrant appeal, making it an eco-friendly and water-wise selection for your garden..๐ŸŒฑ Space Filler: Efficiently fills in empty spots with its dense, spreading habit, making it a top-notch choice for suppressing weeds naturally by leaving little room for unwanted plants to establish, thus maintaining a neat and tidy green area without the need for constant weeding..๐ŸŒผ Safe for Pets: Offers peace of mind for pet owners as it is generally recognized as non-toxic to dogs and cats, ensuring that your furry friends can explore your outdoor spaces safely while you enjoy the lush backdrop provided by the jasmine..๐Ÿ€ Year-Round Visual Appeal: Retains its vibrant, variegated foliage throughout all seasons, ensuring that your garden maintains a lively and welcoming atmosphere even during the colder months, offering a perennial source of beauty and tranquility.

