Boomers Olive Salt-100Gm | Namak Zaitoon | Jaitun Namak | Zaitun Namak | Helps in Digestion | Treats Stomach Related Problems | 100% Pure & Original Olive


Olive Salt is an Ayurvedic Herbal Immunity Booster. It is a characteristic spice which helps your resistant framework and sickness battling power. It shields you from the risks of various potential ailments..It helps in boosting your immunity naturally without any negative effect. it acts as a shield in terms of protecting from various diseases..We provide Authentic Herbs, prepared according to the GMP guidelines. Exceptional consideration is taken to utilize the new and pure ingredients, the herbs are appropriately scrubbed and handled according to the customary techniques to hold its regular smell, shading, tasteand viability and keeping up the quality..There are no alternatives in present day medication for the Fresh and Pure Natural Organic Herbs..We provide 100% genuine herbs. No transfat ,no colors, no chemicals , no preservatives added.

