MOOCHIE Grain Free Wet Dog Food for Small Dogs - Skin and Coat - Made with Salmon, Chicken, Beef and Vegetables - No Added Preservatives or Artifical Flavoring - 12 x 3 oz Pouch


Skin and Coat: Our soft dog food targets your dogs skin and coats, using salmon for omega-3 fatty acids, sweet potato for dietary fiber, as well as carrots, coconut oil and zinc for the skin..Sensitive Stomach Dog Food: Moochie's dog food for sensitive stomachs is safe for dogs who are allergic to wheat or gluten, or have sensitive stomachs..Balanced Nutrition For Adult Small Breeds: Our soft dog food for small dogs is a balanced meal, for on-the-go or at home, and have been formulated to meet nutritional standards established by AAFCO..Vitamin A & Vitamin E: We include carrots, green peas and sweet potatoes in our wet dog food pouches because of their vitamins, which can help target skin conditions..Human Grade Ingredients: Our dog food pouches are made in Thailand from premium human-edible ingredients. Feel good knowing you're giving your pets only the best! Give Moochie to say "I love you".



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