Relax. I'm a Badass Florist. Shot Glass, Florist Ceramic Cup, Unique Gifts For Florist, Flower delivery, Birthday flowers, Florist near me, Flower arrangements, Flowers, Roses


Florist shot glass pictures the look of bewilderment mixed with excitement as they open that gift and find a shot glass smiling right back at them; amazing, right.Florist Gifts: Their uniqueness as a rarity when it comes to gifts makes them very appreciated by their recipients; they are thoughtful gifts..High Quality: It has 1.5 oz ceramics which means they have no problems in the dishwasher and in the microwave. The prints don't fade either.Shot glass is more than just a gift, it shows you love and want to enjoy life..We don't think you'll love them, we know you will. Try them now!

