QAUZUY GARDEN 10 Green Comet Milkweed Seeds (Asclepias Viridiflora) Green-Flower Milkweed | Striking Showy Fast-Growing Perennial Flower | Attract Pollinators


USDA Hardiness Zone. Asclepias viridiflora, is commonly known as green comet milkweed, green-flower milkweed, and green milkweed, is a buatuiful native perennial wildflower, which can grow in 3-6(USDA)..Attract pollinators. Green comet milkweed is a magnet of varieties of pollinators. It is hugely attractive to bees, butterflies and hummingbirds and will encourage them to come often..Sun. Common milkweed prefers full sunlight. It grows best in an open area where there are six to eight hours of sunlight per day..Soil. This plant prefers dry to medium average, well-drained soil. It tolerates dry conditions, infertile soil, and rocky conditions..Fertilizer. There's no need to fertilize common milkweed plants. Common milkweed tolerates poor soils.



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