Walfront Vector Network Analyzer 50KHz‑3GHz HF VHF UHF Measuring Duplexer Voltage SWR Phase SAA‑2N V2.2


MULTI FUNCTION: Not only can test the standing impedance of the antenna, but also can debug the duplexer, the insertion loss of the filter, isolate and attenuate test cable, shorten the coefficient of antenna amplifier, phase, amplification.MEET ORIGINAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: 3GHz vector network analyzer is co designed with for OwOComm. According to the LGPL license agreement, manufactured in full accordance with the v2_2 file released by the development department of for OwOComm, in line with the original technical specifications, please go to the following to update the firmware: github vna‑v2, VNA2‑firmware, release.RE CALIBRATED OR RECALLED WHEN FREQUENCY CHANGE: SAA‑2N/VNA_V2.2 uses a similar user interface to VNA, but uses a different technical architecture, will not load initial calibration data at startup, nor will automatically insert calibration data after the user changes the frequency data, must be re calibrated or recalled after each power on and frequency change.TRANSMISSION MEASUREMENT: S21 support 70dB (50KHz‑1.5GHz), 60dB (1.5GHz‑3GHz). Reflection measurement S11 for ‑50dB (50KHz‑1.5GHz) and ‑40dB (1.5GHz‑3GHz).Antenna analyzer support 1.005 (50KHz‑1.5GHz), 1.02 (1.5GHz‑3GHz)

