TRMC Real Meat Air Dried Cat Food & Dog Food w/Real Beef - 5oz of USA-Crafted Grain-Free Dry Dog & Cat Food Sourced from Hormone-Free, Free-Range, Grass-Fed Beef - All Natural, High Protein Pet Food


MADE WITH HUMAN-GRADE QUALITY BEEF - Imagine a bowl filled with air dried cat food and dog food made with real beefy goodness. This premium real meat cat food and dog food dry bites will keep your cat or small dog smiling. It's not just food; it's a meaty party for their taste buds, crafted with care.PURRFECTLY SIZED FOR CATS & SMALL DOGS - Our high protein cat food and dog food is intricately cut into small, chewable bits for cats & small dog breeds of all life stages. Packed with nutrients and love, it's the tail-wagging and whisker-licking solution to your pet's ever-important dietary needs.GENTLY AIR-DRIED TO PAW-FECTION - Real Meat's secret air-drying process seals in the goodness, making every bite a punch of flavor and nutrition. Not to mention, our premium & nutritious dog and cat food dry bites are kept in resealable bags, making each meal as fresh as the last.ALL-NATURAL & GRAIN-FREE - Ideal for pets with sensitive stomachs and discerning palates, our grain free dry cat food and dog food are free of fillers, coloring, and other artificial preservatives and additives, ensuring a bowl of highly digestible yumminess.ETHICALLY CRAFTED IN THE U.S. OF YAY - Crafted in small, artisanal batches, our holistic dog and cat dry food is as premium, as it is affordable. Made with beef sourced from free-range, grass-fed, hormone-free, and utterly happy cows straight from the USA & New Zealand



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