Chimney Balloon® 16" Valve/Handle Extension (for Use with Any Size


The Chimney Balloon Handgrip/Valve Extender Kit is a way to extend the handle valve of your Chimney Balloon by 16 inches. This allows you to install the Chimney Balloon higher in the flue..The extender permanently attaches to the valve stem of the Chimney Balloon. This is highly recommended if you plan on installing a Chimney Balloon in a location that is not easy to touch by hand.The extender includes an additional valve so that you can control inflation and deflation closer to your workspace inside the fireplace..Rule of Thumb: Use the 16” Extender if the location you want to install the Chimney Balloon in can be touched with the end of a student’s 12” desk ruler in your hand..This is an accessory item: Chimney Balloon is not included

