Jet New Blessed & Energized Powerful Shree NAVGRAH MAHAYANTRA Approx 3 inch Copper Yantra Pooja Home Office Altar Health Business Love Harmony Benefits (Shree Navagrah Mahayantra)


{PRODUCT}- Yantra APPROX Size 3"x 3" . Approx Weight 10 to 13 grams..Yantra Has Sharp Corners/Edges. Blessed & Energized with proper Mantras and Spiritually activated to give best results. So before sending the Yantra, we get Pran Pratishtha (Energization) done by our learned Pandits (Priests). This is done by reciting Mantras as prescribed by Vedas, as well as Homa for the respective Devi/Devta (God/ Goddess) as per Purpose of Yantra..{BENEFITS } It helps remove malefic effects of planets and strengthens the positive effects or forces. Through Yantra, invisible sources of energy can be made to work for you .It helps fulfills one's desires and wishes. Yantras are of an appeasing or propitiatory nature. Yantra gives protection to the native..{YANTRA} Navagraha yantra is a combined yantra for all the nine planets and is divided into nine squares, each with a talisman representing one of the nine planets. This Yantra is installed with a two pronged objective; for getting the blessings of benefic Grahas, and to pacify and neutralize the malefic Grahas..Copper is excellent for balancing the doshas in the body. Copper are considered as good source of positive energy. Yantras should be used under right guidance and of unaltered quality. It has proven to be effective even in Puranas and Vedic System and has shown results over years..{NOTE} ONLY WATER FROM RIVER GANGA (GANGES) IS USED FOR THE ENERGIZATION PURPOSE. PLEASE NOTE THAT SLIGHT VARIATIONS AND DISCOLORATION IN THIS PRODUCT DO OCCUR.

