Café Nara Peanut Butter Flavored Lickable Treats for Dogs (Pack of 4-14g Tubes, 56 g/2 oz)


A healthy irresistibly creamy, lickable natural treat made with 100% human grade ingredients with no added sugar, salt, preservatives or colors; A limited ingredient protein rich treat made with wholesome GMO free and grain and gluten free ingredients; Made with real peanuts that are unsalted, unsweetened and xylitol free and whipped into a buttery peanut flavor; Serve from tube, pour into bowl, use as a savory topper or freeze for a refreshing warm weather treat; Very palatable it makes an ideal high value training treat and is a tasty way to keep dogs hydrated.Grain, corn, wheat and soy free to help food sensitive pets avoid ingredients that might upset their stomach.Serve your pet a nutritious healthy treat that is free of added sugar, salt, natural & artificial flavors, xanthan & carrageenan gums and has no added hormones or artificial colors.An irresistible snack that is perfect for taking together with your pets medication.Single protein limited ingredient GMO free treats that are ideal for those pets with allergies.Age range description: all life stages



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