Office & Workplace Emergency Survival Kit | 10 Person ADD-ON Kit (not a Complete 10 Person kit) | Prepare Your Employees for Emergencies, lockdowns, disasters, and More.


Confidence in your company: An emergency survival kit can create peace of mind and provide security to your employees helping them feel safe during, and when returning after, the disaster..Sanitation: Lockdowns can last for hours, even days, this kit provides a way for your employees to use the restroom and it includes a sanitation kit with Eco Gel to deodorize & gel liquid waste..Water & Food: Included are SOS brand food rations & water for every employee. In addition we include our empty 4 Liter Water Pouches which can be filled prior or during the emergency for extra water..Light & Communication: Several light sources and a AM/FM Weather Band radio are included so your employees can receive vital NOAA warnings and updates..A kit for every employee: Everyone will receive a small kit with water, a light stick, signal whistle, and an emergency reflective blanket to keep them warmer by reflecting their body heat.

