Horsetail Herb Bulk 1 Pound Bag Cut & Sifted For Tea- Shavegrass-Snake Grass aka Living Fossil


Horsetail, also known as Shamegrass and Snake Grass, is known as a living fossil because it is the only surviving species in its genus. The plant gets its common name from the fact that the erect stems resemble a horse's tail..The fresh aerial parts of the herb are eaten as a spring vegetable, while the dried herb is used for teas and as a bath herb..ORIGIN: EUROPE- Cut & Sifted-Mildly bitter, but lacks flavor otherwise. Combine with other herbs to improve taste in tea blends and in foods..Horsetail is native to Pangaea. Considered to be a living fossil, it has changed very little in millions of years. Essentially identical to their prehistoric ancestors, but for the fact that ancient horsetail, based on fossil evidence, were 100-200 feet in height. Comprising huge forests, arborescent horsetails were dominant in the Carboniferous lowland swamps of prehistoric times. They are given their very own family with only one remaining genus, Equisetum, of 25 species of spreading rhizomato.Safety: Those with kidney disorders or thiamine deficiency should avoid horsetail.

