Currency Converter


World Currency Converter KeyFutire:-.- world's 199 Country exchange rates..- Two Country Change Rate Graph And 1 Minit,1 Days,5 Days, 6 Month, 1 yers,2 years..- Calculator for currencies for math. Result is instantly converted to all currencies..- Open Application And Utomaticaly Update Courant Rate Is Show In Toolbar..- Open Settings And one Option Select To Offline And Used To Offline..- Manually add any currency not in exchange rates list..- Offline To Work To Lastest Update Rate To Convert..- Currency Converter Three Deferent Themes Used Defelt,Red,And Blue..- Add Your Country List Add To Convert Time..- Share,Rate Two Option Is Avalabel To Send Application Your Friends And Other..- Works in Online and offline mode..- Lest's Start And Enjoy.......!

