EMI Deluxe Queen Square Neurological Reflex Hammer (EIH-781 Black) with Pointed tip for Superficial responses


DELUXE QUEEN SQUARE HAMMER: The Elite Medical Instruments Deluxe Queen Square Medical Reflex Hammer. A quality medical hammer to perform diagnostic tests on patients..MULTI-USE REFLEX TESTING: The EMI Deluxe Queen Square Hammer accurately and effectively elicits muscle stretch reflexes, superficial or cutaneous reflexes, as well as plantar and abdominal reflexes, with less effort and greater patient comfort..EFFECTIVE PATIENT TESTING: The head of the hammer features a soft silicone bumper that encloses a weighted disk to induce myotatic responses..DESIGNED FOR ELICITING RESPONSES: The handle is a long flexible plastic handle with a point to elicit plantar and abdominal responses..DIMENSIONS: 12.5” overall length, 2” hammer head

