Solid Gold Wet Cat Food for Adult & Senior Cats 24 Pack - Wholesome Selects Chunks in Gravy - Made with Real Chicken Liver & Pumpkin for Healthy Digestion and Sensitive Stomach


A TASTY AND WHOLESOME TREAT - Wholesome Selects Chunks in Gravy is soft cat food made with your cat's gut health in mind, packed with natural chicken liver protein, plus high fiber from pumpkin, this tasty meal is made to be a feline favorite.AMERICA'S FIRST HOLISTIC PET FOOD - Solid Gold has been delivering transformative nutrition for your pet since 1974, crafting recipes with functional superfoods, omega fatty acids, high quality proteins, and protected probiotics to support gut health and overall well being.GREAT SOURCE OF HYDRATION - This wet cat food gravy is a great canned cat food to add essential hydration to your fur baby's diet, while also adding nutrients through superfoods, like spinach and carrots, and fiber through pumpkin and flaxseed.MANY WAYS TO SERVE - This gravy cat food serves alone as a nutritionally complete meal or as a meal topper to go along with your cat's favorite food, helps with making dry food more palatable for sensitive stomachs.TRY WITH OUR OTHER CAT FOOD PRODUCTS - Wholesome Selects can cat food comes in a variety of different flavors, like chicken and turkey, and goes along great with Solid Gold dry cat food



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