CPR, AED & First Aid Provider Handbook- Health Care Certification Card and Course - based on the latest AHA (American Heart Association) Standards and Guidelines


GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS - The American Heart Association updated 2015 guidelines expand on many of the recommendations made in 2010 and continue to focus on high-quality chest compressions as intervention is most likely to improve resuscitation outcomes..CONTENT OF THIS COURSE - The content contained herein is based on the most recent AHA publications on the CPR manual and will periodically compare previous and revised recommendations for a comprehensive review..CPR ALGORITHM - CPR algorithms are based on the current understanding and best practices to deliver positive results in life-threatening cases and are intended to achieve the best possible outcome for the child or the infant during an emergency..AHA Guidelines are intended to assist health care providers in critical decision making by describing a range of generally acceptable approaches for health care, foot care, first aid, health care law, health care reform or prevention of specific diseases or conditions..EFFECTIVE AND USER FRIENDLY - This is one of the most effective and user-friendly training manuals for health care providers in the market because it was created by the health care team dedicated to life support education with the goal of training people to help save lives.

