Blue Buffalo Basics Adult Small Breed Grain-Free Wet Dog Food for Skin & Stomach Care, Limited Ingredient Diet, Lamb Recipe, 3.5-oz. Cups (12 Count)


REAL MEAT FIRST: This Blue Buffalo wet dog food is made with real, high-quality lamb as the #1 ingredient.ADULT SMALL BREED FORMULA: This natural dog food for small breeds supports gentle digestion, and it contains Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids to nourish skin & coat.SUPPORTS HIGHER ENERGY NEEDS: This grain-free natural dog food for small breed dogs helps support higher energy needs with increased levels of protein and carbohydrates.HEALTHY, WHOLESOME INGREDIENTS: This Blue Buffalo dog food is made with no chicken (or poultry) by-product meals, and no corn, wheat, or soy.Contains: Twelve (12) 3.5-oz. cups of BLUE Basics Skin & Stomach Care Small Breed Adult Grain-Free Wet Dog Food, Lamb & Potato Recipe.ENHANCED IMAGERY: We have enhanced our digital product packaging to highlight our products’ ingredients and essential benefits; While the physical packaging will differ slightly, all information is accurate



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