NUTRO PREMIUM LOAF Adult Natural Grain Free Wet Dog Food Slow Cooked Chicken, Potato, Carrot & Pea Recipe, 12.5 oz. Cans (Pack of 12)


#1 Ingredient is Real Protein: This adult wet dog food is made with real chicken as the first ingredient to help your dog get the protein they need.Rich in Nutrients: Grain-free* soft and moist dog food that is rich in nutrients and full of flavor for your small or large adult dog.No Artificial Flavors or Preservatives: Proudly made with real beef and no chicken by-product meal, no artificial flavors or colors, no artificial preservatives, no corn, wheat, or soy (*Trace amounts may be present due to potential cross-contact during manufacturing).Made in the USA: Made in USA facilities with trusted farmer and supplier partnerships to source high-quality ingredients from around the world.Let’s Grow Healthy Pets: At NUTRO, we believe in growing healthy pets with a range of dog food, cat food, and delicious treats that harness the goodness of nature to help your pets live full and active lives.Pack of 12 Cans: Contains twelve (12) 12.5 oz. cans of NUTRO PREMIUM LOAF Adult Natural Grain Free Wet Dog Food Slow Cooked Chicken, Potato, Carrot & Pea Recipe



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