Low Melting Point Agarose 50G - Molecular Biology Grade, P05-SR02-50


Features: - Optimal concentration between 0.7-2% in all typical buffer systems - GQ (Genetic Quality) certified - Low DNA/RNA binding - Excellent gel transparency - DNase and RNase free - Suitable for RNA analysis.Applications: - Analytical electrophoresis of nucleic acids - Preparative electrophoresis - In-gel enzymatic processing experiments - Preparation of DNA preparative gels in routine molecular biology techniques - The DNA recovered from agarose gels after electrophoresis can be used in enzymatic process (restriction, ligation, etc.).Properties: Electroendosmosis EEO: 250 g/cm2 Gelling temperature: 24 to 28°C Melting temperature: < 65.5°C Moisture: < 7% Quality Control: endo-, exodeoxyribonucleases, and ribonucleases not detected

