CESAR Adult Wet Dog Food Loaf in Sauce Beef Recipe, 3.5 oz. Easy Peel Trays, Pack of 24


Real Beef is the #1 Ingredient: With beef meat as the #1 ingredient, Classic Loaf in Sauce complements any dry food or stands alone as a tasty meal.Made in the USA with the finest ingredients from around the world.Quality Recipe: Contains no fillers, no artificial flavors, and is formulated without grains* (Trace amounts may be present due to cross-contact during manufacturing).Peel Away Seals: CESAR Classic Loafs gourmet soft dog food is served in convenient trays with easy, peel away seals..Deliciously Complete Meal: This single serve, complete and balanced meal for adult dogs makes every mealtime delicious.Contains twenty-four (24) 3.5 oz. easy peel trays of CESAR Wet Dog Food Loaf in Sauce Beef Recipe.Pack of twenty-four, 3.5-ounce each (total of 84 ounces).Great taste with exceptional palatability to tempt even the fussiest dogs.Complete and balanced dog food nutrition for small dogs, fortified with vitamins and minerals.Convenient ready-to-serve fresh sealed tray



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