Descubriendo el mágico mundo de Gauguin : El artista bohemio y aventurero del siglo XIX by Maria, Jordà, Maria J. Jordà
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Hola, soy Paul Gauguin, el artista bohemio y aventurero del s.XIX. Sabias que nac en Par s pero pas mi infancia en Per ?. Y que tambi n fui escultor y escritor?. Sabias que mis cuadros est n llenos de color, paisajes ex ticos y personajes de otras culturas?. Lee estas p ginas y entender s por qu abandon la civilizaci n para instalarme y acabar mis d as solo arruinado en un peque o pueblo de Tahit . Hi, I'm Paul Gauguin, the bohemian adventurer artist of the 19th century. Did you know I was born in Paris but spent my childhood in Peru? And that I was also a sculptor and writer? Did you know that my paintings are full of color, exotic landscapes, and people from other cultures? Read this book and you'll understand why I left civilization to carry out my final days ruined and alone in a small village in Tahiti.


Better World Books