Master Google Keep: Organize Your Life with Google Keep - Audiobook, by Can Akdeniz & Introbooks Team
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We all want to be more productive. When you sense you have increased your productivity you feel like you do have control over your workflow and life, you are an accomplisher, you feel organized and being on the right track. If theres something that accompanies us all the time its our smartphone or tablet. Its only naturally that, on one hand, we want to use them also to increase our productivity, and on the other hand, app developers want to exploit the potential of this constantly increasing segment of the market. Sometimes, when a really useful organizational app comes out, both parts can be winners here.This book is dedicated to one such relatively recent productivity app. Specifically, well be focusing on Googles entry into the productivity app market, its somewhat controversial Keep. Basically, Google Keep is designed to help you create, share, and collaborate notes in a quick and easy fashion. Being Googles offspring, the app offers seamless sync to Google; this means that you and people whom you choose to share with can access notes made in Keep from anywhere: on your Android phone, tablet, Android wearable, through a Chrome app, and, of course, on the web (though the web version is poorer in options and features).

