Wild Card - Audiobook, by Barry Colman
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Michael Kough is an Australian virologist and degenerate loser who accidentally discovers a cure for the common cold. And a vaccine to neutralise all the worlds deadly viruses.He becomes the richest man in the world. And the most hunted.Dictators, multi-national drug companies and global criminal gangs circle like vultures for a chance to steal the secret to his Holy Grail of virus control.His life becomes a wild ride. He is kidnapped and tortured and imprisoned in his escapades to protect the formula of his trillion-dollar discovery. A formula he keeps locked inside his Big Brain. A formula he concocted in a U.S. germ warfare laboratory.Amid the turmoil, he meets the love of his life, Charlotte, a beautiful Chinese woman and a suspectedforeign intelligence agent.Despite his genius, Kough is a flawed character: A gambling addict who lost his first wife, home and career playing roulette. Now he faces a new challenge for survival to stay ahead of a murderous pack of enemies.

