Paper Airplanes by Nick Robinson
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Related to origami, paper airplanes originated from China and are toys devised entirely out of paper and adhesives (for example, glue or tape) that utilize an aerodynamic shape to lift and soar. Idiot's Guides(R) Paper Airplanes features 20 of the coolest designs--and offers easy-to-understand, step-by-step instructions. This book includes: - Step-by-step, easy-to-understand illustrated folding instructions, including the level of cutting/folding difficulty, flight pattern, and durability levels to the corresponding airplanes. - 20 symmetric models, ranging in difficulty levels, which are illustrated within the colorful guide. - 80 sheets of eye-catching, pre-designed printed 8.5x11 paper for readers to practice with and to create the planes. - Cool backgrounds that highlight each of the airplane projects.


Better World Books