Let There Be Light by Roger, Wooding, Dan Oakland
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Roger Oakland heads to university with the morals and values of his Christian parents intact. When he enters school, he believes in God as a Creator, but soon exchanges this for Darwinian evolution. After graduation, he begins teaching biology (with an emphasis on evolution) at the same university. Challenged one day by a young Christian student, Roger mocks the whole idea of Creation and God. Through a series of painful circumstances, including the death of a baby son, he begins searching for answers to life until one day he has a dramatic experience when hit with the realization that God created everything. Becoming a creationist and later a committed born-again Christian, Roger's life is radically changed, and he is filled with a passion to tell others about God. Little does he know at the time that he will travel throughout the world to share his message. From the wheat fields of Saskatchewan to the classrooms of evolutionary humanism, to a fallen USSR to poverty-stric


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