Give Him No Rest by Erroll Hulse
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Today the church is weak and struggling. Even though she has advanced into more places and nations than ever before, she faces defeat in many ways and is often inept, divided and feeble. Nothing less than the powerful work of the Holy Spirit on a massive scale will meet the desperate spiritual poverty of our age. Only heaven-sent situation and turn the tide of defeat into victory. This book is an urgent call to prayer that God would send again in our day true revival powerful spiritual awakening on a world-wide scale. The author shows from Scripture and from the history of the church through the ages, right up to the present day, how closely revival is linked to the prayers of Gods people. He urges churches and individuals to unite together in regularly and earnestly seeking God and to give him no rest until he pours out his blessing on his church and makes her the praise of the earth, as foretold by Isaiah.


Better World Books