Data Analysis with Microsoft Excel : Windows '95 Edition by Kenneth, Carey, Patrick Berk
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This new Windows 95 Edition -- now accompanied by StatPlus addins in every copy of the book -- expertly guides students as they explore real data with Excel. Much more than just a series of software tutorials, this concise book is a launching pad for discovering how to use the industrial-standard spreadsheet software to solve real-life statistical problems -- and learn statistical concepts as well. The book's new StatPlus add-ins -- a suite of statistical add-ins -- significantly enhance the statistical capabilities of Excel. Among the additional procedures and graphics made possible with these one-of-a-kind add-ins are boxplots, quality control charts, scatterplot matrices, and correlation matrices. Perfect for an introductory course in statistics or business statistics, the book also includes: -- A step-by-step approach with numerous screen shots to guide students through statistical analysis -- Interactive Excel instructional templates that allow users to gain an intuitive understanding of difficult statistics concepts such as hypothesis testing and central limit theorem -- Summary boxes that allow the user to quickly apply techniques learned to new data sets -- Over 50 real-life data sets that accompany the text (to illustrate statistical concepts) -- Plus -- more than 50 new exercises in this edition


Better World Books