Antler Mushroom,Crispy Fungi,Yunnan Specialty Dried Goods 8.8oz 鹿茸菇,云南特产菌菇


Product Features: Carefully selected, freshly harvested, complete and evenly sized. Delightfully fresh and crisp taste, rich and unique texture, abundant in nutrients, with a lingering aftertaste that captures your affection from the very first bite..Flower Mushroom,Shiitake Mushroom,Winter Mushroom,Fungus Mushroom,Xiangxin Mushroom,Tea Flower Mushroom,Hazelnut Mushroom,Straw Mushroom,Antler Mushroom,Agaricus blazei murill,Brazil Mushroom,Tea Tree Mushroom,Black Shiitake Mushroom,Nameko Mushroom,Chestnut Mushroom,Maitake Mushroom,Coprinus Comatus,Golden Needle Mushroom 花菇,香菇,冬菇,菌菇,香信菇,茶花菇,榛蘑,草菇,鹿茸菇,猴头菇,姬松茸,巴西菇,茶树菇,黑香菇、滑子菇、板栗菇、舞茸菌、鸡腿菇、金针菇.Antler Mushroom, scientifically known as Pleurotus eryngii var. tuoliensis, is an edible mushroom characterized by its flat cap with curled edges. The color of the cap is typically light to dark brown, and its surface is smooth. The stem of the鹿茸菇 is robust, and it has a structure at the base resembling the shape of deer antlers, from which it gets its name. The flesh of 鹿茸菇 is tender and has a rich flavor, making it suitable for various cooking methods such as soups and stir-fries..鹿茸菇,属于食用菌类,其伞盖呈扁平状,边缘有卷曲。鹿茸菇的颜色通常为浅褐色至深褐色,表面光滑。其菌柄粗壮,底部有鹿茸状的结构,因此得名。鹿茸菇肉质鲜嫩,口感丰富,适合用于炖汤、炒菜等多种烹饪方式。.Ingredients:Antler Mushroom



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