Genuine Wild Kopi Luwak Arabica Premium Blend Ground Gourmet Civet Coffee (10g sachet)-Cruelty-free


AGED COFFEE. Aged wine is great. Aged whiskey is great. So is aged coffee! Coffee grown in Sumatra is excellent for aging and provides the best results, and our Kopi Luwak coffee are using the best low-acid beans from Indonesia. Our Kopi Luwak coffee has been going through careful and proper aging process and is regularly monitored. Our Kopi Luwak coffee had been aged for 8 years which makes it so special and different from other coffee.HAND-PICKED QUALITY COFFEE. We aim to provide our customers the best quality of coffee with the premium taste. Each of the coffee beans is being picked hand by hand with strict quality control, to ensure the only good condition is being used for our coffee roasting. This is to sustain the enrichment flavour of our Kopi Luwak coffee.MICRO ROASTING IN MALAYSIA. Unlike others roasting methods which roast in large batches with a capacity of 50kg or more, all of our Kopi Luwak beans are roasted in small batches of 200g, to maintain the perfect freshness and evenly flavor of each of our coffee beans. Micro roasting also ensure the coffee is being roast in an optimum level for the production of Kopi Luwak.PREMIUM TASTE. Tasting our Kopi Luwak coffee is a beautiful experience. It has mild acidity as tasted from the tip of tongue. It comes with flowery and earthy aroma which provides a fresh kick start of your pleasant day. After sipping our Kopi Luwak coffee, the fruity and tangy taste will be still remained inside the mouth. The medium balanced body of our Kopi Luwak coffee makes you smooth to drink.FREE FROM ANIMAL CRUELTY. We support animal should stay happily in this Earth. No animal be abuse in producing this Civet Coffee as we believe no animal should sacrifice for human's wants. Our civet is living freely at the farm without any cage and trap to catch up the civet. We will only pick up the feces of the civet in the farm for the production of Kopi Luwak after the Civet is left from the farm



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