ZIWI Peak Steam & Dried Dog Food – Grass-fed Lamb with Green Vegetables Recipe - High Protein, Digestive Health, Low Carb, for All Breeds and Lifestages (1.8lb)


85% PREMIUM MEATS: Single protein recipe with ethically sourced animal ingredients including raw high protein grass-fed Lamb, organs and ground bone to meet the needs of a dog's whole prey diet..SUPPORTS DIGESTIVE HEALTH: Promotes a healthy gut for all dogs, including those with a sensitive stomach or digestion issues. Gently processed, high quality ingredients for natural nutrient absorption..HEALTHY, FUNCTIONAL INGREDIENTS: Vitamin and nutrient rich inclusions of spinach, kale and beet greens, with chicory root to provide fiber and prebiotics to aid digestion. No unwanted potatoes, soy, sugars or added hormones in our recipes..BETTER THEIR BOWL: Our innovative two step process of delicate steam and gently air-dried raw ingredients for a nutritious, raw alternative dry dog food with a unique, aerated texture superior to highly processed kibble.ETHICALLY SOURCED FROM NEW ZEALAND: Grass-fed lamb raised on local farms under New Zealand's Freedom Principles, where they're free to live naturally and without artificial hormones..SUITABLE FOR ALL LIFE STAGES: Feed as a complete and balanced meal or serve as a nutritious base, mixer, or topper. This is designed to support dogs through their entire life stage from puppy to adult to senior.



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