an Angel for The Bride Charm Wedding Day Gift Bouquet Charm Something Blue


PERFECT WEDDING GIFT: The angel for the bride charm is built using zinc metal with a blue pendent at the bottom with a pearl type of finish, if you looking for a wedding gift for the bride then this will be just perfect.SENTIMENT CARD: The charm comes with a card that compliments the beautiful charm which reads "Something borrowed, something blue and a little angel to watch over you".CLASP CLAW: Comes with a clasp claw to easily attach to bouquet for the perfect wedding day memory, but also can be hang on a normal charm bracelet after the wedding has finished for you to cherish the day forever.THE WONDERFUL GIFT: The charm and card come nicely packed to ensure your gift is well packed and protected.CHARM SIZE: Charm measures around 1 inch tall and wide to ensure it is large enough to look great on your bouquet



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