Medschenker Saliva Test Kit, White - Pkg Qty 500
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The MedSchenker Saliva Collection Kit has been engineered to be intuitively easy to use and the funnel has been specifically designed to reduce user self-collection error by preventing flow back. Based on research conducted by Yale University, when saliva is captured in a sterile container, COVID-19 is stable at room temperature for up to seven days without the need for expensive reagents. For an easier and less expensive way to test for COVID-19, choose the MedSchenker Saliva Collection Kit. The MedSchenker Saliva Collection Kit has been engineered to be intuitively easy to use and the funnel has been specifically designed to reduce user self-collection error by preventing flow back. Features: US engineering: We're proud to say our products are made in Korea with US engineering and raw materialsLeak proof: Our CQ-Lock screw cap prevents leaks even in pneumatic tubes and centrifuges.Ergonomic design: Our funnel has been engineered to be intuitively easy to use and prevents flow backSeamless fit: The funnel fits seamlessly into our tube impeding the contamination of the outside of the tube - Pkg Qty 500


Global Industrial